“Do not train children to learning by force and harshness, but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
Plato- WARREN MITCHELLTeacher of Spanish and Geography
Email Address: warrenmitchell.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- SHANNON-KAY MOUNSEYClass teacher: Form 3ATeacher of Mathematics
Email Address: shannonmounsey@tciedu.tc
- SARAH MUBENWAFORTeacher of EDPM and Principles of Business
Email Address: sarahmubenwafor.hjrh@tciedu.tcWeb page
- ALETHEIA NARCISSETeacher of English Language and English Literature
Email Address: aletheianarcisse.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- ADRIAN PARRYTeacher of Music
Email Address: adrianparry.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- SCHNAIR PHILLIPSClass teacher: FORM 4Business/ScienceTeacher of Mathematics
Email Address: schnairphillips.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- ERROLINE RANGERClass teacher: Form 4ArtsTeacher of English Language and English Literature
Email Address: errolineranger.hjrh@tciedu.tcWeb page
- JERMAINE ROBINSONTeacher of FRM, Home Economics and FNH
Email Address: jermainerobinson.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- JODIAN ROBINSONClass teacher: Form 5Gen 1Teacher of English Language and English Literature
Email Address: jodianrobinson.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- RACQUEL SIMONSTeacher of Physical Education
Email Address: racquelsimons.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- ROXBERT SIMPSONTeacher of Industrial Arts
Email Address: roxbertsimpson.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- MICHAEL VAUGHANTeacher of Social Studies
Email Address: michaelvaughan.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- JODIAN WALKER-JOSEPHTeachers of French and Spanish
Email Address: jodianwalker.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- JASON WHYTEClass teacher: Form 5Business/ScienceTeacher of Technical Drawing, Industrial Arts and Building Construction
Email Address: jasonwhyte.hjrh@tciedu.tc
- KERIECE BROWNClass teacher: Form 4GEN 1
- CARLTON FORRESTClass teacher: Form 1D